The School imparts education from Pre-School to Class XII. The curriculum is based on the syllabus prescribed by NCERT and CBSE in alignment with NEP 2020. With a view to develop high order skills like reasoning, analysis, literal thinking, creativity and judgement among students, the school follows innovative and well thought methods of teaching supported by Project works, Hands-on Activities and Field trips that provide enriching learning experiences to the students. We adopt an all-inclusive integrated teaching methodology which also caters to the needs of Children with Special Needs (CWSN).

Js. Smart Class

Sr. Smart Class

Biology Lab

Biology Lab

Chemistry Lab

Physics Lab

Home Science Lab

Language Lab

Jr. Computer Science Lab

Sr. Computer Science Lab

Composite Science Lab
At Mother Mary’s, we firmly believe that students should explore learning in well-equipped surroundings and facilities. As such, the school is thoughtfully designed to facilitate a vibrant learning atmosphere for its students.
Keeping in line with the changing trends in the field of education and to ensure the holistic development of the students, the school has a digitalized education system with the facility of Smart Classrooms, new laboratories and Activity Rooms along with ample arenas for multitude games and sports activities. The school has an effective Information Management System to ensure smooth and uninterrupted communication with the parents. We follow a conscious Eco- Friendly approach and have installed Rain Water Harvesting Plant, Solar Plant and R O Plants in the school premises.

School Entrance

Kids Park


Jr. Library

Sr. Library

R O System

Solar Panels System

Rain Water Harvesting

24x7 Surveillance System
At Mother Mary’s School we value the role of sports, health and exercise in our lives and we strive to ensure that every student develops a lifelong interest in a sporting activity that will foster good health habits into adulthood. Numerous provisions have been made multiple outdoor courts like Basketball Court, Badminton Court etc. with safe floorings safe. Alongside, we also have access to an enormous array of indoor sporting facilities. The school ensures at least two games periods every week for students of classes III-VII. Our students have participated in numerous Inter-school, Zonal and even National Level Competitions and have brought several laurels to the school.


Yoga Class

Volley Ball



Soft Ball

Basket Ball Dribbling

Basket Ball

Table Tennis

Base Ball

Kho Kho

Carrom Board

At Mother Mary’s School, we are committed to offering our girls a wide-range of opportunities to allow each one to develop their skills and pursue their individual interests. To facilitate this, we have both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities which are integrated with the House System. The House System fosters a sense of competition and team spirit to encourage higher standards of achievement. Under the House System, each student is allocated a particular House which is headed by a team of dedicated faculty members.
The House System is integrated with multi-disciplinary Clubs functioning in the School and the students are divided into various clubs based on their talents and interests. Regular Inter- House Competitions are organized, thus giving the students a platform to emulate their talents.

Tulika- Art and Craft Club

Nritya Manjari- Dance Club

Aarohi- Indian Music Club

Eco Club

Symphonia- Western Music Club

Cyberweavers- Computer Club

Synergia- School Band

Sahitya Sudha- Hindi Club

Scientia- Science Club

Sports Club

Life Skills- Health Club

Commerce Convention- Commerce Club

Road Safety Club